Taking advantage of your Social Security income benefits is more complicated than flipping a switch as soon as you turn 62. By taking your Social Security benefits at face value, rather than creating a personal strategy, you could be leaving thousands of dollars on the table—money that could be the difference between retired life and retired living.
We’ll prepare a Social Security analysis and benefit claiming strategy based on your financial needs to ensure that you get the most out of the system and maximize this retirement income stream.
Every year, the Social Security Administration determines whether to increase benefits payouts based on the impact of inflation. These cost-of-living adjustments also dictate how many tax dollars are contributed to the Social Security fund.
Social Security benefits count as taxable income for most Americans. However, there are strategies you can employ both before and after you retire to help minimize the amount of taxes taken out of your benefits.
While everyone’s benefits will vary, so long as you paid into the Social Security fund during your career, you can count on Social Security as a source of continued income in retirement.
The Social Security Act of 1935 established the Social Security program under U.S. law. Because of this, it would require Congress to repeal the Social Security Act for these benefits to end.